As a parent of a growing teen, you may stress over how they are handling changes in their body, mind, and environment. While teens are more self-sufficient than toddlers, it doesn't mean they don't need pediatric intervention and support. Teenagers still need general wellness checkups and support for behavioral and development concerns.  Child & Adolescent Health Specialists serving Cohasset, MA has an engaging and professional staff including General Pediatricians, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatricians, and a Clinical Therapist along with our extremely well trained and supportive nursing staff, who will be there for your teen.

Teen Development and Health

The transition from childhood to adolescence and into adulthood comes with major emotional and physical changes for your teen. It can be a confusing time for many, which is why it's essential to monitor their behavior and overall health. If you notice any disturbing patterns at home or school, it’s imperative to see a medical provider as soon as possible.

Physical development in teens usually involves hormonal changes, which affect growth spurts and sexual development. Adolescent girls will begin their menstrual cycle and need to know what to expect and how to handle this. Behavioral and learning development concerns may show up as school and social interactions become more complex and challenging.  If your teen is struggling with school or peer interactions, further evaluation may be required to assess sleep and nutrition, and to rule out a learning disability or behavioral issues such as autism, ADHD, anxiety or depression.

Doctor Support for Teens

It's natural for teens to be curious about sex as they develop, and just as natural for some to not want to discuss this with their parents. You can be assured that our providers will advise on safe relationships,  protecting themselves from disease and unexpected parenthood, and encourage sharing with their parents.

If your teen is having problems fitting in at school, they may begin to develop depression or anxiety. Teen stress and anxiety can affect their eating patterns, sleep patterns, and socialization. Our staff is available to provide counseling to adolescents going through these issues. A professional pediatric staff can also advocate on behalf of your teen if it becomes obvious they need a change in educational environment.

Child & Adolescent Health Specialists serving Cohasset, MA has a compassionate team of doctors ready to help any adolescent with physical, emotional, behavioral, or educational needs. Adolescent health is a specialty at our practice. Don't hesitate to contact us at (781) 383-8380 for an appointment for your teen today.


Office Hours

Hours subject to change


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


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8:00 am - 12:00 pm



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8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm